Value /ˈvaljuː/ 1. the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. Who decides what is valuable? How do we prescribe or decide the value in something, be it a raw virgin material, a skill, knowledge, language, cultural identity, or an object – whether it be a measurable commercial value or sentimental value. The climate crisis looms ever present in each of our lives. Natural resources such as forests and mineral deposits are rapidly being depleted as virgin materials to satisfy our seeming insatiable desire for more. Landfill sites are overflowing. Oceans are so full of plastic we’re now ingesting it. We have more than enough stuff on the planet already, so why make more? In response to the theme 'These Precious Things", given by curator Suzy Annetta, Studio Karyn Lim created a new series of 'So Plast!c' vessels made from used polymailers which is a common waste outcome of the e-commerce industry. Featured in: Female | SCMP | Wallpaper* Photography by Studio Periphery for Fifth Black Comments are closed.
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October 2024
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